Monday, February 28, 2011


So I've had my three days of rest after I left my job.  It was awesome because I got to spend it with Jim.  He always makes it interesting.  Tomorrow is going to be a little different.  I'm not going to put my goals or any lists up here because that would be boring, but I will tell you if I accomplished anything the next time I write.  That, to me, will not be boring.

I will be treating my day like a job.  For at least 8 hours I will be doing housework or exercising, something that I have not consistently done in many months.  My dogs, Wickett and Bugs, will love me for this because they're coming with me.  I won't have a gym membership so I'll have to use my imagination.  I'm debating taking before pictures.  But I probably should.  It always gives me an extra push seeing how bad I've let myself get.  Oh, crap. I'll have to weigh myself, too.

Much Love

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Big Money

Yep, I did it.  I bought a huge expensive camera I have every intention of using every day.  I did this last night.  I went with a website based in New York called  Lowest price I've seen for the Nikon D7000.  That's the camera I bought.  It's pretty amazing.  I got an extra lense for low light situations because I could and their prices were so good.  I'm pretty excited about it.  You'll know when I get it because I will start posting amazing pictures on here.

Jim and I decided to write reviews of the restaurants we eat at.  I could take pictures of the food that comes out, then you know, we'd eat it, critique it, and post it.  I think it would be fun because it's nice knowing where the good places are in town and Bakersfield doesn't really have a food blog.  Or at least not a cool one because I haven't heard of it.

We were driving around this morning looking for garage sales, which we never found, not even one, and I got a call on my phone from trying to sell me a 5 year extended warranty for the Nikon I ordered.  It was pretty comical because the guy on the phone had a New Jersey accent and barely let me talk. When I did speak I said, "I consciously chose not to get the warranty.  I don't want the warranty."  He then proceeded to talk nonstop and then told me to hold on because he was going to ask his manager if he could sell it to me for less.  When the hold music started I hung up.

Much Love

Friday, February 25, 2011


So I'm off into the "Land of the Unknown."




My Last Day

It's strange how unemotional I've been about leaving my job.  Maybe it's just because I'm older, and not as worried as I would have been if I was doing this 5 years ago.  I said goodbye to my boss yesterday.  I told her not to cry, that it was a good thing.  She made a cake for me.  I don't know.  Maybe I'm trying not to make it a huge deal just because it really is a huge deal, for me anyway.  I know I'm not just my job.  I know that.  But my job is a lot of how I see myself.  And now I won't have that.  I'll have to see myself in new ways, doing new things.

My last day.  I'm not going to let it be anything but good.

Much Love

Thursday, February 24, 2011

First One

Friday, Feb 25th, 2011 is my last day at Borders.  I've worked there since June of 2002.  I almost hit 9 years.  I loved my job for a long time and then I didn't love my job for a long time so I'm saying goodbye.  It's a huge leap of faith for me i.e. I don't have another job yet.  But, I have a fantastic boyfriend that supports me in every way possible.  I love him very much and he's the one that convinced me that I could do this.  I can pull this off.  Which is all I needed to hear.  I've accomplished so much, why not this?

So a lot needs to change in my life, in my house, in my body.  I'm taking this time between jobs to address those changes.  I don't believe in miracles.  I do believe in evolution.  Little by little, day by day, I hope to get closer to becoming the person I've always wanted to be.  Whoever she is, I'm sure she's going to be grand.

Much Love