Saturday, July 23, 2011

More Vegetables

I watched a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead."  It really made me want to eat more vegetables and go on a juice fast.  So I made Jim watch it, and Guy watched it, too, and both of them said they want to do the juice fast with me.

So I bought a juicer, which still isn't here, and Jim suggested that we stop eating meat until the juicer arrives.  I think it's been three days.  Vegetarian is something I've never been, but I feel like I'm coming up against common problems that they face.  We're trying to not eat bread and pasta with every meal but it's like some subconscious need to eat carbs if you know you aren't eating meat.  Jim is finding veg choices out and about when he needs to eat lunch at work very limited, or fried and unhealthy.

I keep thinking we need to grow more vegetables in our backyard.  I kind of want a couple chickens for eggs.

Anyway.  This is not forever.  I am not turning vegetarian for good.  I love meat and I think humans were meant to eat it, but maybe not as much as we have been.  So hopefully, this juicer shows up, we can do our 10 day all juice fast and then go back to eating meat, just less frequently.

Much Vegetables

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