Thursday, April 26, 2012

Not Just Me

I haven't done this in a while but the other day I locked my purse and my keys in my truck.  My phone was in my purse as well.  I was at Walmart.  Oh, and I had groceries in the vehicle as well and it was hot.

I get pretty upset when stuff like that happens.  When I lose control of a situation and don't know the outcome I kinda have a panic attack.  So I ran back into Walmart and started looking for somewhere to borrow a phone.  I couldn't really see one so I asked an employee where there was one and the look she gave me was somewhat upsetting.  She looked at me like there wasn't a phone anywhere I could borrow.  Like I was such a hassle.  Like she didn't know how I couldn't have my own phone to call someone on even after I explained what I'd done.  This didn't make me feel taken care of at all.

I did find a phone in the eyeglasses area.  I had to call my father because I only really remember my mother's, ex-boyfriend's, and my parents house phone numbers.  So Dad called my brother and he said he was on the way with the extra key.

I found a place to lean against in the shade in the front of the store and had an uncomfortable 15 minutes of waiting with nothing in my hands except a dish wand.  The dish wand was what caused me to lock everything in the truck in the first place.  There was a booth to sign a petition for legalizing weed in front of the store and two people manning the booth but completely ignoring everyone and just talking to each other.  So many families coming and going with little kids and grandparents.

A man came out and asked me if anyone was coming to help me, he'd heard me in the store asking for a phone.  I told him yes.  He then proceeded to tell me ways to hide a key on the truck so it wouldn't happen again while giving me what I thought was a weird look.  I didn't really figure it out until I moved him along that he was checking me out.  Which was off putting to me because he was 55 or over and had a wedding band on.

There was a girl who walked out and I witnessed a guy in a SUV crazy craning his head around to check her out while she pretended to look at her phone.  I guess she felt so uncomfortable she looked at me and walked over and leaned against the wall right next to me and told me she was going to stand with me because that guy had been there that morning and had come back and creeped her out.  I told her it was good that she trusted her instincts.  They wouldn't steer her wrong.

After a few minutes she left and my brother showed up and I drove home with my groceries and dish wand.  It was nice to get out of my world for a bit.  I remembered that we are all here, not just me.

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