Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Life of Bugs

I wanted to do a little photo memorial of my dog, Bugs.  She died on Sunday, April 1st, 2012.  She was a sweet 9lb. dog of unknown origins (which are the best in my opinion.)  Jim and I adopted her from a shelter in March of 2010.  The shelter estimated that she was around a year old when we got her so she only lived three years.  The two years we had her were filled with love and fun.  She had a good life and that's what helps me cope with her sudden death. 

Bugs loved Wickett, food, and us, in that order.  We got her so Wickett would have a companion while we were at work and Bugs certainly filled that roll.

First picture we took of Bugs when we got her home.

Playing after first grooming.

Another one of Bugs' favorite pastimes.

Buddies on a walk

Napping Buddies

In two years they never had a real fight.

Bed Buddies

 Bugs loved laying in the sun.  She would come in covered in dirt and twigs after her sun nap.

She had this intense stare that was funny and compelling at the same time.

River Buddies

This was just a funny picture of her.


She loved sleeping right next to you.  She needed contact.


Bugs had a natural Mohawk.  She was a badass.

After an adventure.

She was easy to love.

Me and Bugs

My babies

Bugs in the middle

Scruffy Bugs

These are the last pictures taken of her.  When Jim and I broke up he could afford to take care of the dogs better than I could so they went with him to his house because we didn't want to split them up.  Before they left I took some pictures of them for myself.  

This is the last picture.  She had just run around in the front yard sprinklers and Jim got a good one of her.

We buried Bugs in the backyard of my house where she lived most of her life.  Jim wanted to plant something in her memory so he bought this azalea with white flowers.  I think of her and how much I loved her every time I look outside and see it.  

Rest In Peace, little girl.  I'll see you on the flip side.

Much Love

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