Thursday, March 29, 2012


I've been training for a 5K on April 7th.  I've had some trouble staying consistent but I've been on track this past two weeks.  With Jim gone I seem to have a lot more time on my hands.  Sometimes it feels like a punishment but I know it's actually a gift I'm giving myself by doing this.  I'll thank myself later, much later.  I've been using my lovely treadmill to walk and run and I ran two continuous miles last night and was quite proud of myself.  Thought I was a badass.

Well, tonight I casually mention to my brother that I need to start running outside on the real ground.  My brother regularly runs 6 miles at a time.  So he says, "Let's go tonight."  I say, "Fine." (Well, I said it more in a whiny-scared-nervous voice.)
There's a route I used to take from the house to walk the dogs.  It's a big square that Guy tells me once around is 1.6 miles.  So twice around is 3.2 miles.  5 kilometers is 3.1 miles.

Perfect.  I ran two miles on the treadmill last night and wasn't dying, per se, I can do this.  Um, wow, yeah, that was a lot harder than running on the treadmill.  It just seems like you have to think and control so many things you don't need to worry about when you're on a flat, steady treadmill.  We went around twice, so I got the distance.  I will admit that I did need to walk for about half a mile within those 3.2.  I was dying.  My face is so red.  I will pay for this tomorrow.

This was 30min after running and still red-faced.

Much Mouth Breathing

1 comment:

  1. Badass indeed! If you're interested in doing another race, I'm running a 5k on April 28th You should do it. It would be so much fun! Actually not really. I hate that trail but it's very challenging. It will be very challenging!
