Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I'm really addicted to sweets.  To eating in general.  I did OK for about half the day and then I ate some candy that I had, and then I had a big dinner, but there was asparagus involved.  Then I had some more candy, but I shared it, but I still had some.  And right now I just "had" to have some chocolate milk, just because.

I love food.  I love eating it, cooking it, smelling it, watching it be made on TV, throwing it through the air, touching it, etc.  But that doesn't mean that I can't have some self control.  I am an extreme person.  I go from one extreme to the other.  I eat all day - to I don't care what I eat it's just fuel, give me the bare minimum.  I'm in the eat all day extreme right now and haven't been in that other extreme for years.  I was proud of myself for half the day.  I drank water, two glasses!  I rarely drink water.  But then I went off the tracks.  Portion control and eating a lot of fruits and veg.  That's what's important right now.  That's what I haven't been doing.  I've just been making excuses.

Much Love

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on fixing my serious chocolate problem right now. I was desperate for a candy bar today, counting change and wondering if the vending machine took pennies. After a trip around the building I finally found a candy dish with some sweet stuff. Why can't I just let it go? Ugh, must do better!
