Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Herb Update!

Mint and Basil (the water hogs)
I'm happy to report that none of our herbs have died.  They are doing well in our side yard where I go visit them every morning while the dogs do their morning duty.
The only one I was worried about was Thyme.  She wasn't looking so hot.  Maybe because she was too hot.

Looking a little beat to the curb
So I moved her next to the Pomegranate tree in the shade a couple days ago.  She has since perked up.  Bakersfield heat is something to fear, especially if you're a plant.

Puppy Update!

Wickett the Show Dog
I hang out with my dogs every day.  It's hard not to take a million pictures of them.  They're pretty cute.

Backyard Gazing

Bugs being a creeper

Extra fluffy after a bath

I don't need a cat.

I'd like to report that Wickett hasn't thrown up since we took him to the vet.  We've limited his food (Wick doesn't like) and we've started feeding them wet food (Wick does like, a lot.)  For a dog that hacks and gags everyday that's a pretty long run of no barfing.  I'm proud of you, boy.

Jim Update!

The Year of the Gemini Rat

Fixing things
He's still cute.

Much Updating

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